How do you feel indoors? Does it calm you or makes you restless? Does it keep you active or pull you in dullness? Is the light enough? Or you try your best to avoid the emptiness.Staying by yourself and being...
Have you ever looked up in your head and seen a jury of people? A set of people from your past you want to prove a point to. Some 3-4 people you keep comparing yourself to. Some you constantly feel...
You simply serve. You are a servant. The exuberance you wish is in you and can be available in the body even while doing minor tasks. You cannot predict the end and create. What you can only do is touch...
Why are final ‘goodbyes’ so important? ‘I’ve never forgotten him. Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the...
Having blinders on in today’s day and age is so important than ever. With all the million opportunities and distractions around, its so easy and almost imperative to get side tracked and distracted, and so often. The only way i...
I still have a lot of light inside breaming, waiting to explode, My mouth still longs for the sweetness of this life I still have a lot to see, I have a long way ahead of me, Up I will...
Flow to me is an act of surrender with childlike faith. It comes from a totally un-adulterated place, with extreme purity and innocence. Resisting what isn’t in your control is silly, really. ACCEPTANCE. Of the past, of the now and...